A Unicorn Encounter
I traveled upon a stream lite path into a wooded beauty.
Lined by trees on all each sides, the mist of rain fresh in the air,
the smell of green aloft, I turned and
saw a unicorn standing there, shyly hidden in the fog.
And I, in awe, stood silent.
There are some things that words cannot express.
When have you found yourself in a fantasy place, where time and space meet,
the smell of perfection in the air, and all words escape you?
If you have not, or have not ever, is it perhaps time you did?
Create a wordless moment by allowing yourself to wander down paths
you have not taken before and explore the road less taken,
and maybe you will find yourself face to face with
your very own unicorn.
© Jeannine Proulx Possibilities, 2016
Feel free to share with copyright inclusion. Thanks!
Lined by trees on all each sides, the mist of rain fresh in the air,
the smell of green aloft, I turned and
saw a unicorn standing there, shyly hidden in the fog.
And I, in awe, stood silent.
There are some things that words cannot express.
When have you found yourself in a fantasy place, where time and space meet,
the smell of perfection in the air, and all words escape you?
If you have not, or have not ever, is it perhaps time you did?
Create a wordless moment by allowing yourself to wander down paths
you have not taken before and explore the road less taken,
and maybe you will find yourself face to face with
your very own unicorn.
© Jeannine Proulx Possibilities, 2016
Feel free to share with copyright inclusion. Thanks!