The Reality of the Rabbit Whole Magic happens in the Rabbit Whole. You become giant or tiny. You meet interesting characters. You face your fears. You realize your dreams. You are alive in the Rabbit Whole. Living in this reality, requires courage and a jump. For to venture into the Rabbit Whole, one must release all hesitation and dive in with full force. You can’t travel halfway into the Rabbit Whole, then decide to exit. The Rabbit Whole is an all or nothing decision. Once you have decided this is your fate, there is no turning back. You can’t awaken to the Whole, then fall asleep again. If the Whole is calling you and you answer it, you must continue on the path. We live our lives in a time oriented and linear format. The Rabbit Whole doesn’t subscribe to this order. People, plans, schedules, and stuff fill up our time, leaving little space for the Rabbit Whole. The Rabbit Whole is our time. It is soul time. It is sacred space. In facing the Rabbit Whole, we face ourselves. The more segregated we are from our true identity, the harder it is to return to the Rabbit Whole. We exist in a fragmented society. We are separated by geography, religion, politics, and physical structures, for example. Technology is driving us further apart from others and from our own being. The Rabbit Whole is harder to find and further away then ever before. Yet, at the same time, it is right in front of us. We only need to “look up”. Sometimes we do trip into the Whole. Often times, we are led there by an inner calling or knowing, from the depth of our spirit. Finding the Rabbit Whole, diving into it, and exploring the depths helps you to gather the separated parts of yourself and become fully whole again. This is a life journey, bringing back the scattered pieces that you left behind from this lifetime and others. They are all a part of your Whole. They all deserve your attention, support, and love. The reality is you are a Whole being, but it takes determination and fortitude to discover this truth. Susan J. McFarland May 2016
Mindful Musings Blog
Mindfulness is here to support Mindful Mothers and children looking for a new place to feel safe, loved, and understood with Life Support Content for Moms, Kids, Families, Teachers, Yoga Studios, and Women everywhere. We hope to encourage confidence, serenity, calm, clarity, solutions, and well being.... along with a little fun! Archives
March 2020
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Photos from wwarby, Lisa Zins, marcoverch, cattan2011, BAMCorp, Phil Roeder, verchmarco, VonFer Madness, jessdone8