![]() To Be or Not to Be - in Possibility Time! October 2017 - Mindful Moments ------------ To Be or Not to Be I was making out my to-do lists for the day, week, and month today when it suddenly occurred to me how much of my time is spent trying to figure out where I’m supposed to be when, doing what, and how it’s all supposed to get done. In The Possibility Path, we call this “Focused Time.” It means we have to put our head down and focus on this linear place and time and what our bodies (and children’s bodies) are supposed to be doing at different points in time. With after school activities, the new high pressure school situations, and life in general, we are torn into all these different places and times, forced to be in Focused Time all the time. It is exhausting. It is exhausting because our bodies are not used to being in Focused Time all the time. There was once a study done that came to the conclusion in a work environment that we only have about 4 hours of focused brain energy a day for paperwork and critical decisions. The rest of the time is spent with busy work, or on Facebook! ;) As a mom in this world today, it’s critical decision time all day, every day. The need to be “On” all the time can wear one down into a meltdown breakdown, anger, or depression. We are not built to be the super women our society expects! We need some down time to recharge and rebuild our energy reserves! Yesterday it was 95 degrees outside, in fall, in Michigan. It was the end of a very long week. I could have gone into Focused Time and spent energy I didn’t have. But instead, I choose to move into what The Possibility Path calls “Possibility Time.” Possibility Time is when we let go of the to do lists and just be. We just walk, dream, do, but without a schedule, without a set agenda, without rules or must have’s to dos. It’s what we mean when we tell kids to “Go out and play.” It not only allows for creativity, but it opens up the relaxation factor of just being who we are. In Possibility Time we just are. We are not trying to be what others’ want. We are not trying to do what we are supposed to do, we just are. We just do. This time is critical for mental health in our world. We live in Focused Time so much we burn out. We melt down. Our kids do the same. They need the time to just unwind and let go. When was the last time your kids had unscheduled time? When was the last time you did? We think in our modern world unscheduled time means lazy or unproductive, when in fact the greatest discoveries, inventions, and ideas come during these Possibility Times when we are able to just be who we are and tap into the possibility of being open and alive in what is, not what the to do list says it should be! Yesterday we choose Possibility Time. We went to the beach. We walked along the channel, ate ice cream, and let our minds wander. We let ourselves dream. I relaxed. I recharged. I let it go. We laughed and were nicer to each other than we had been in weeks. It was exactly what we needed. So today when I started focusing on making my lists, I smiled. Because somewhere in there I realized I needed to pencil in some Possibility Time. Because it is just what I need to make it through the rest of the week! Here’s to the possibilities to come! - Jeannine _________________________________________ JOIN US WEDNESDAY! Mindfulness Mothers RADIO News - 1st Wed of Month October’s show has been cancelled due to my move to a new home. Please catch the replays of shows you may have missed here: http://www.mindfulnessmothers.com/radio-show---mindfulness-mothers.html -------- Missed the show? Catch the replay here! http://blogtalkradio.com/mindfulnessmothers www.mindfulnessmothers.com _________________________________________ Join the fun! We are starting a new BIG YEAR doing the 28 Steps to Freedom starting on October 5th. If you are in Mt Pleasant, join the group at Red Bloom. If you aren’t, start your own group or do personal program! Find out more at: www.aworldofpossibility.com _________________________________________ Check out new articles this month on MindfulnessMothers.com Supporting the amazing women who do the toughest job of caring for our most precious with balance and serenity. _________________________________________ * By signing up on MindfulnessMothers.com you receive Mindful Moments once a month! If at anytime you do not wish to receive this newsletter, please shoot a quick email to [email protected] or [email protected] Aloha and much love as you continue on your day! Thanks for all your support of the mothers and children in this amazing world. _________________________________________ www.mindfulnessmothers.com
Mindful Musings Blog
Mindfulness Mothers.com is here to support Mindful Mothers and children looking for a new place to feel safe, loved, and understood with Life Support Content for Moms, Kids, Families, Teachers, Yoga Studios, and Women everywhere. We hope to encourage confidence, serenity, calm, clarity, solutions, and well being.... along with a little fun! Archives
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Photos from wwarby, Lisa Zins, marcoverch, cattan2011, BAMCorp, Phil Roeder, verchmarco, VonFer Madness, jessdone8