Well, it looks like I'm ready because in a few short hours tonight I was inspired and viola! We have a new logo! It has been a pattern like this all summer.
Up until now I had only thought of mindful ideas for kindergartners, the age that lies in -between my musical album and the mindful meditations for grade school that I wrote for Children of the New Earth. The other day I sat and created 3 new Mindful Moments for Kindergartners and within days was able to complete an album ready for download on August 28th, 2016! I have been taking photos of the gorgeous nature scenery that fills me up with life for many years and yet had not found a way to fully share them. Within a few weeks of coming up with an idea this summer for a Mindful Me Membership (starting in Oct 2016!) I had created the Peace of Mind postcards for MindfulnessMothers.com that are more beautiful than I could have hoped them to be. All within an easy few weeks. And all of these are to be released this fall, not immediately, not rushed, but in their own time and in their own pace. We are taught in our workaholic society to go-go-go and push it forward, make it happen no matter what. We are taught no pain, no gain. We are taught to kill ourselves for our work. Mindful living has taught me that when the time is right, the creations are so smooth and so easy that it almost doesn't feel like work! (Except for the cramping of my hands on the keyboard and the time that passes too fast in the creative mode! :) When it's right, it moves. It moves at its own pace. It moves in its own style. It makes its own waves. When we can find that groove in our life, be it with the children, family, spouse, job, writing, art, creative projects, or even friendships, we can allow life to happen in a beautiful movement that intertwines us in a spiral dance of love. The new MindfulnessMothers.com logo expresses just that. When we are in the space of being open, listening to the rhythms of life, we interweave who we are with the world, with our creations, with our children, with our purpose, without pushing a square peg into a round timeline or box. That is when the magic happens. That is when life opens its mysteries to us. That is when we are a part of the dance, not just a bystander or a conductor. We dance with life and life dances with us. That is my hope and dream for each who may come to this site, to each who may in some way be touched by the amazing mama authors here and the words they let flow through them. May we all dance together in this wondrous captivating enchanting world we live in. And in doing so, may we open up to the child-like awe within us as we care for the children we love. All my love - Miss Jeannine ~ ~ ~ ~ Miss Jeannine Proulx is an author, creative, Intuitive Life Coach and founder of MindfulnessMothers.com You can find out more about her at: www.aworldofpossibility.com
Mindful Musings Blog
Mindfulness Mothers.com is here to support Mindful Mothers and children looking for a new place to feel safe, loved, and understood with Life Support Content for Moms, Kids, Families, Teachers, Yoga Studios, and Women everywhere. We hope to encourage confidence, serenity, calm, clarity, solutions, and well being.... along with a little fun! Archives
March 2020
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Photos from wwarby, Lisa Zins, marcoverch, cattan2011, BAMCorp, Phil Roeder, verchmarco, VonFer Madness, jessdone8