![]() It occurred to me while listening to a song about women and the beauty expectations of society by my new fav band from Michigan The Accidentals (Enlightened Sexism) that if we as women really felt the way beauty magazines, shampoo bottles, and make up products wanted us to, we would have the greatest self-esteem ever! So I took a look at my shampoo and beauty bottles. These are the words I found to describe the products: - Strong - Healthy - Nourished - Enriched - Smooth If I really felt those words, if I really believed them, I would feel that way. We would feel that way just being women. But we don't. Why? We look to the bottles to make us feel that way, and that is where things go hay wire. By looking for things outside of ourselves to make us FEEL something about ourselves, we automatically set up to be judge by others. We automatically give up the power to feel good based on someone else's view of us, based on someone else's view of the world and views on women in general. If we could take those words: - gorgeous -hottest look - revived - extreme style - beauty - control and OWN those words, FEEL those words as who we are? Then we would buy the shampoo because of how it smells or works, not to be something the commercial wants us to be. Just for today, take a look at your beauty products. Do not judge! (Yourself OR others.) Instead, turn them around and read the words on the back. What ones do you own? What ones do you feel about yourself already? Which ones would you like to feel about yourself? Don't rely on a product to make you feel that way, own it! Use the word as an affirmation with a few deep breaths. Start using that word when you describe yourself. When someone asks "How are you?" Reply, "Healthy. Strong. Vibrant." BE the word. Become the woman you feel inside by putting it out into the world. To me you are amazing, incredibly silky, deliberately shiny, and spontaneously glowing! And when you feel that about yourself? You will be. What words did you find on your beauty bottles? What ones will you own? Love to hear your comments below or in our Mindfulness Mothers Facebook Group! All my love ~ Jeannine
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March 2020
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Photos from wwarby, Lisa Zins, marcoverch, cattan2011, BAMCorp, Phil Roeder, verchmarco, VonFer Madness, jessdone8